Medsafe is now goSafe
Since 1979 we've helped companies across the nation keep their workers safe with tried and true safety equipment, training, and expertise. Now to commemorate how our company has grown we are rebranding and adding new services to our extensive offerings.
Enhanced Searching
Find What You Need
We've Redesigned and optimized our website to help you find exactly what you need. Need help? Our Customer Care Professionals can hand-pick appropriate and cost effective products for your specific needs.
- Improved Search Engine
- New look and feel
- Reorganized Pages
Emotional Safety
Beyond Surface Level
goSafe is partnering up with Kintla to provide Emotional Safety Resources. Learn to prevent accidents by recognizing fatigue or stress in your worksite and address them in healthy and productive ways.
- Hazard Recognition School
- goSafe Expert Zone
- Emotional Safety Training
Equipment Programs
Always Equipped
With our new FR Program, Boot & Shoe Program, and Prescription Eyewear Program, you can keep track of your worker's spending benefits and allowances in an intuitive and easy to use interface.
- Easy to use online purchasing
- Application specific catalog
- Extensive admin tools